Bei der Besichtigung eines teilnehmenden Betriebs war auch Klemens Boeck, Obstbauerberater and der Landwirtschaftskammer Tirol, mit dabei und schilderte seinen Eindruck des Projekts:
"Aus Sicht der Obstbauern/des Obstbaus finde ich am Projekt wertvoll, dass wir dadurch gezielt den Singvögel, im speziellen Fall Meisen, eine Unterstützung anbieten. Singvögel leisten während der Brutzeit einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Schädlingsbekämpfung (Läuse, Raupen,…) der sich zwar schwer in absoluten Zahlen festlegen lässt, der aber als „Basis“  Unterstützung gerne im Obstgarten genutzt wird."
Auch unsere Mitarbeiterinnen haben sehr viele wertvolle Erfahrungen sammeln können:
"During our trip to Austria, I was amazed at the impact Interhome has already achieved together with Beesark.
The interaction with the owners of the fields we tackle together to promote insect and bee diversity is admirable. The initiative to work with schoolchildren to install birdhouses, and the visited company that makes the birdhouses, was also an eye-opening experience.
It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that everyone should experience." - Nita Viaene, Interhome Belgien
" I had an incredible time learning about our bird and bee sustainability project and deeply appreciated the warm welcome from our Austrian partners (#Beesark). The volunteering experience, especially planting new trees, was immensely rewarding, and I enjoyed every moment, even when stepping through the stinging nettles. This experience has definitely inspired me to participate in more volunteering and sustainability projects.
Being part of this trip has greatly increased my appreciation for our sustainability efforts and also allowed me to discover the stunning beauty of Austria and it's inspiring local tourism." - Wai Wai Lee, Interhome England
"Unforgettable week in Austria! It was a time of sharing and bonding with colleagues around the theme of sustainability. We met passionate and dedicated individuals who inspired us with new ideas and virtuous practices. I loved the concept of creating a nurturing cycle by caring for the land with plants that support bee development, and using the land’s produce for local farmers. In our connected and urban lives, we often forget that by fostering more connections with each other, we can reduce our impact on the planet." - Gaëlle Roulland, Interhome Schweiz